It is now available on music distribution sites including Spotify, Apple Music, LINE MUSIC, Google Play, AWA, Amazon Digital Music, Recochoku, and others. Pre-orders for the album are also now available on iTunes. Customers who purchase the album will be able to listen to "Parade" and "Ai Nishou." iTunes Store' data-wovn-src:-original-content='4/10に発売するアルバム「だから僕は音楽を辞めた」に収録される新曲「パレード」の楽曲配信が各サイトにて本日より開始しました。>Spotify / Apple Music / LINE MUSIC / Google Play / AWA / Amazonデジタルミュージック / レコチョク他、音楽配信サイトにて開始。 また、iTunes ではアルバムの予約注文も開始しました。購入された方は「パレード」「藍二乗」が聴けるようになります。iTunes Store'> 【ヨルシカ】新曲「パレード」の楽曲配信が開始。|ヨルシカ OFFICIAL SITE

[YORUSHIKA] New song "Parade" is now available for streaming.

2019.03.15 YORUSHIKA

The new song "Parade," which will be included in the album "That's Why I Quit Music," to be released on April 10th, is now available on various websites.

>Spotify / Apple Music / LINE MUSIC / Google Play / AWA / Amazon Digital Music / Recochoku

It will also be available on other music distribution sites.

The album is also now available for pre-order on iTunes.

Those who purchase the album will be able to listen to "Parade" and "Ai Squared."

iTunes Store